Neighborhood Church offers a number of healthy resources to those who are in need.

Please feel free to search our resources below and reach out to us at any time.



– ROMANS 12:15-16A

  • Grief share

    If you have recently lost a loved one, or perhaps never dealt with a loss suffered earlier in life, GriefShare can help you face challenges and move toward rebuilding. We are a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Groups run for 13-week sessions and are intended for ages 16 years and over. 

       Thursdays  7-9 pm, Room 2, Cypress Campus

    For more information, contact Stephanie Hathaway (562)287-9413 or Jon Wyatt, Pastor of Student Ministries and Life Groups.

  • Celebrate Recovery

    Celebrate Recovery is a 12-step program, not just for people with addictions, but for any and all of our hurts, habits and hang-ups. This Biblically-based and Christ-centered Recovery Program has been helping countless people around the globe to navigate life.

    Information on upcoming programs will be posted here when scheduled

                 For more information, please contact Pastor Bob Vroon.

  • More than conquerers

    This weekly 12-Step style meeting utilizes various Christian materials to discuss and support individuals who struggle with and wish to overcome sexual addiction. 

    This group meets on Thursdays at 7pm at the Cypress Campus in room 205 and is designed for adult men only. 

    Please contact Mike at (562) 686-8141 prior to attending.

  • Alcoholics anonymous

    This weekly meeting utilizes the Big Book and 12 & 12 (12 steps & 12 traditional) books for discussion and sharing of experience, strength, and hope in sobriety. 

    All those with a desire to stop drinking are welcome to attend, but only alcoholics may participate.  

    (This is a semi-closed meeting. You must call Albert to make an appointment before showing up.)

    This group meets on Tuesdays from 6-7pm in Room 4 at the Cypress Campus.

    For more information, please contact Albert at (310) 605--0117, or Jon Wyatt, Pastor of Student Ministries and Life Groups.

  • cancer companions

    Cancer Companions wants to bring spiritual encouragement, knowledge, resources and especially hope to those who struggle in their battles. Cancer Companions is open to anyone in treatment, post treatment, loved ones and caregivers.  We do not want anyone to go through cancer alone!

    Please contact us and we will arrange various opportunities to get together and/or pray for you.

    Contact Pat or Dot at 714-404-4893, or Jon Wyatt, Pastor of Student Ministries and Life Groups.