Catch the wind:

Charting God’s spiritual growth adventure for you

What if the swirling chaos of our times didn’t define us, but in some strange way, empowered us? What if that feeling of being tossed about in a world with endless options and, as a result, decisions could be navigated in such a way that grounds us instead of adding another option to the pile? What if you knew God created you and has a plan for you, even in these crazy times? What if He also gave you the power to make this plan for your life a reality? 

We don’t have to ask “What if …?” God has done it. And during this fall focus we want to set sail on a Holy Spirit-powered journey towards Christ-likeness. We won’t complete the journey in seven weeks, but we will chart the course ahead of us as we prepare for the lifetime adventure of spiritual growth. 

Join us for the next seven weeks as we see God’s spiritual growth process for each of us. Our journey will include:  

  • Sunday morning sermons highlighting the spiritual growth process in the letters written by the Apostle Paul – specifically, letters written to those cities he visited during his missionary journeys in the Book of Acts.  

  • Daily Scripture engagement as with Explorer’s Notes through the Book of Acts. We will see the amazing work of the Holy Spirit in the early church and ask that very same Holy Spirit what He wants to do in our lives and how He will empower us to do so.  

  • Life Groups where Sunday morning messages will be discussed and applied – along with giving and receiving the encouragement we need for this ambitious journey of life transformation.  

  • Ministry Fair – Get involved in a ministry at Neighborhood Church, or beyond!

  • Finally, a Service Project will help us put action to the work God is doing inside of us. Serving others is part of this spiritual growth process and we will have opportunities to give a taste for those who aren’t serving and a shot in the arm for those who need encouragement to keep going.  

Sermon series Calendar


09/15  –  The Big Picture

2 Corinthians 5:11-21

09/22  –  Everyone Was a Face in a Crowd

Romans 3:9-26

09/29  –  The Adventure From Crowd to Curious

Galatians 1:10-24


10/06  –  The Adventure From Curious to Convinced

Philippians 3:1-11

10/13  –  The Adventure Convinced to Committed

1 Thessalonians 5

10/20  –  The Adventure From Committed to Commissioned

1 Corinthians 12-14

10/27  –  The Adventure From the Commissioned to the Crowd

Ephesians 3:14-21