Revive resources

The REVIVE webpage is the place for you to access more exhaustive information and practical resources from our Sunday services. 

Every sermon series at Neighborhood Church consists of multiple weeks of additional content, ranging from Blogs and Podcasts, to Scripture meditations and book recommendations, all of which you can access below. 

GOd is... : Summer psalms series

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  • Revive Podcast Episode 136 - Stepping Out With Purpose


    Neighborhood Church Sunday Service Cypress Campus


    Neighborhood Church Sunday Service Los Alamitos Campus


    Monthly Prayer Guide for November 2023

    Pastor Mike's Blog - Taking Time to Be Thankful


    Acts 1:8 - Great commission

    Acts 1:9 - they were all going into heaven and not doing anything

    Acts 2:42-47 - Believers are having great fellowship and having favor and Lord added to their numbers

    Mike - "We need to understand who Jesus is, and looking outward"

    Matthew 22:37-39 - love God, love neighbors

    Acts 28:31 - Paul in prison, but he taught about Jesus

    Acts 17:22-31 - Paul says God knowns exactly where people are born, he orchestrates

    Proverbs 16:9 - a man establishes his steps but God directs his path

    Human beings can "quench the Holy Spirit" (1 Thessalonians 5:19-22) and also they can "grieve the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30-32)

    2 Corinthians 10:5 - Hold every thought captive

  • Revive Podcast Episode 137: Empowered by the Holy Spirit

    Sunday Service Neighborhood Church Cypress

    Sunday Service Neighborhood Church Los Alamitos

    Pastor Mike’s Blog - Taking Time to be Thankful

    Question What is Pentecost?

    Acts 2:1-12 - reversals - undoes the Tower of Babble, Peter steps up and preaches,

    Acts 1:4-5 - anticipating the promise of the Father - expectancy

    Peter’s sermon cites prophecies from the Old Testament found in Joel 2:28-32, Psalm 16:8-11, and Psalm 110:1

    Matthew 5:14-16 - be the light to the world

    Ephesians 2:10 - We are God’s handiwork, created for a purpose.

    What does the word Pentecost mean

    Pentecost occurred during the Feast of Weeks to symbolize the first “harvesting of souls”

    John 3:16 - we should love all people because God so loved the world

    Matt 28:19 and Acts 1:5, 8 - Jesus explains it that he will empower them

  • Revive Podcast Episode 142: Stepping Out with Generosity

    Some More Questions regarding Ananias and Sapphira

    Chiastic literary structure found in Acts 3 and Acts 5

    The concept of Generosity found in Scripture

    Joshua 7 - story of Achan

    Romans 6 - consequences of sin

    2 Corinthians 8:9 - For our sake Christ became poor, though he was rich

    Phil. 2:1-11 - Being generous and giving like Jesus

  • Revive Podcast Episode 143: Stepping Out in Power

    Sunday Service Cypress Campus

    Sunday Service Los Alamitos Campus

    Pentecost - What happened that day?

    Pastor Mike's Blog - To Grow is To Change

    Meaning of a sign and the meaning of a wonder Sign - Duet. 29:2-6

    Psalm 139 - God has a purpose and plan for our lives

    Acts 5:16 - all the people were healed

    As the miracles were happening, those weren’t covered in much detail, but WHO JESUS is is really covered

    Story of Ananias and Sapphira is explained right before Acts 5:1-11

    2 Kings 5:1-14story of warrior Naaman

    Ruth Graham’s gravestone engraved with “end of construction

    Oswald Chambers - “With God there is no mundane” - take time and mediate on the cross and the miracle of that and what Jeuss did for me

    Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the Lord and lean not on yourself!

    James 5:16-17 - prayer of a righteous man availeth much

    1 Thees 5:17 - Pray without ceasing

    Jesus said - Seek, nock and ask - Matthew 7:7-8

    2 Corinthians 12:1-10 -Paul prayed for “thorn in the flesh”

    Article about Signs & Wonders from Got Questions

    What was Solomon’s Porch in Acts?

    Psalm 139 - God has a purpose and plan for our lives

    Acts 5:16 - all the people were healed

  • Revive Podcast Episode 144: Stepping Out to Solve Problems

    Sunday Service Live at Cypress Campus

    Sunday Service Live at Los Alamitos Campus

    Pastor Mike Blog - To Grow is to Change

    Ethnic conflict existed even in the early Church, but the Holy Spirit was making room for the Church to be inclusive of all ethnicities.

    The Gifts of the Spirit are dispersed throughout the Church so that we can all help, support, and edify each other, and ultimate point back to the Lordship of Jesus!

    Disciples really needed to focus on preaching the word, because there was no New Testament at this time

    Romans chapters 9-11 - Paul speaks of other ethnicities being "grafted in" to the lineage of the Jewish inheritance of God's Kingdom  

    Both Jews and Gentiles are reconciled to God through Christ - Ephesians 2

    Our faith story is meant to shine out and bless others, like a City on a hill - Matthew 5:14

  • Revive Podcast Episode 145: Stepping Out Under Persecution

    Sunday Service at Cypress

    Sunday Service at Los Alamitos

    Pastor Mike’s Blog

    Acts 6:10 - They could not withstand the power of the Spirit as Stephen laid out messianic history

    Sanhedrin - group of 71 people or so
    group made up of of Sadducees - wealthy class who worked with Roman politicians, and also the Pharisees

    Acts 7:1 - Stephen is charged and asked to give his defense

    Ajith Fernando - wrote NIV study guide

    Do we put our faith in “answered prayer” or in the “one who answers prayer?” - Pastor Mike

    Acts 7:48 - God does not dwell in house made by human hands

    Psalm 145:3 - God is unsearchable

    Take time to Soak in the majesty of God with The Pause App

    What is God’s plan? - You can see in Stephen and Phillip, to be filled with God’s Spirit and fulfill his plans. - Follow the Teachings of Jesus - Ecclesiastes says Follow laws of God.

    Matt 22:35-40 - - Love God and Love your Neighbors

    Make disciples of nations (Matt 28:18-20) being guided by Holy Spirit on how that plays out for us individually

    Acts 7:51 - Stephen says “you resist the Holy Spirit”

    1 Thessalonians 5:19-22 - do not quench the Holy Spirit

    1 Corinthians 6:19 - the holy Spirit now dwells within us - so do we listen?

  • Revive Podcast Episode 146: Stepping Out in the Holy Spirit

    Sunday Service Cypress

    Sunday Service Los Alamitos

    Pastor Mike Blog - Let's Listen

    Article about quenching and grieving (resisting) the Holy Spirit

    Article about who were the Sadducees during Jesus' time

    Article about biblical circumcision

    Who was Philip in the book of Acts?

    Who was Simon the Sorcerer?

    Acts 8:9-25 - Simon the Sorcerer's story

    S.O.A.P. - A helpful Bible Study Tool

    Explanation of B.E.L.L.S. - 5 methods of Missional habits

  • Revive Podcast Episode 147

    Sunday Service Cypress

    Sunday Service Los Alamitos

    Pastor Mike Blog - Let's Love More

    Article on Quenching the Holy Spirit

    Article about being filled with the Holy Spirit

    Acts 6 - Apostles elected helpful men to help distribute food to widows, this included Steven and Phillip

    Acts 1:8 - Jesus says you will go to further part of world

    Questions - who was Ethiopian eunich?

    Deuteronomy 23:1 - a eunich could not enter the temple area in the Old Testament Law

    Eunuch reads out of Isaiah 53 and tries to understand who the passage is talking about, and Phillip says "it's Jesus!" - Acts 8:26-40

    Isaiah 56:4-6 ays that God will provide way to include eunuchs and gentiles to be adopted into the kingdom of God

    Ethiopian was seeking - Jeremiah 29:13-14 - I will be close when you seek me with all your heart

    Titus 3:5-7  - we are not saved by our gifts, but by the works of the Holy Spirit

    1 Peter 3:15 - always be ready to provide a defense

    SOAP - definition,and%20very%20easy%20to%20reproduce.

    1 Corinthians 10:5 - hold every thought captive to word of God

    Youtube clip - Erik Little Chariots of Fire

    John 10:14-18 - my Sheep hear my voice

    John 7:17 - IF you are willing, follow Jesus

    William Carey - known as the Father of modern Missions,%22India's%20first%20cultural%20anthropologist.%22

    Luke 24: 13-35 Road to Emmaus

    Beyond the Surface - Lent Devotional online link

  • Revive Podcast Episode 148: Stepping out in Bravery

    Sunday Service Neighborhood Church Cypress

    Sunday Service Neighborhood Church Los Alamitos

    Acts 9 - Ananias learns about Saul's conversation

    Caravaggio Painting - Paul on road to Damascus

    Matthew 23 - Jesus gives "woes" to the Pharisees

    Luke 4:17-21 - When Jesus opens the scroll and says today this passage in Isaiah is fulfilled in your day

    2 Corinthians 5:17 - God is making a new thing out of us

    Acts 11 - Peter's report and the adjustment of having gentiles come into the Christian faith without having to be "judiazed" first

    Corinthians 12 - Paul's thorn in the flesh

    Film - Paul the Apostle of Christ

    Pastor Justin quote - "Spiritual Warfare, replacing the lies of Satan with the truth of God."

    Acts 26:14 - Paul why do you kick against the goads - Paul was being goaded a long time

    John 3 - Nicodemus “aren’t you a teacher of the law and don’t you know?”

    1 John 1:9 - Confess our sins, Jesus is faithful to forgive

    Psalm 51:4 - against you have I sinned God

    Acts 9:11 - Paul was praying - he was interacting with God for a long time

    Book - Lead with Prayer by Ryan Skoog, Peter Greer, and Cameron Doolittle

    S.O.A.P. Bible study method

    Romans 8:31-39 - nothing can separate us from the love of God

  • Revive Podcast Episode 149: Stepping out in Newness

    Sunday Service Cypress Campus

    Sunday Service Los Alamitos Campus

    Pastor Jamie Bambrick - pastor in Ireland

    Rich Mullins - The Maker of Noses

    Jeremiah 17:9 - the heart is desperately wicked

    Blesses are poor in spirit - Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5

    CS Lewis - severe mercy

    Edward Kimble - 1800’s who’s student was Dwight Moody

  • Revive Podcast Episode 150: Stepping out in Following the New Ways of the Spirit

    Sunday Service Cypress Campus

    Sunday Service Los Alamitos Campus

    Acts 11:19 - The early Christians were scattered after the persectution when Steven was stoned to death

    Drive Through History Video Link


    Believers in Antioch were the "anonymous" role players

    Romans 11:11-24 - gentiles grafted into the vine

    Acts 1:8 - lineage of the uttermost parts of the World

    Genesis 12:1-3 - Prophecy to Abraham, ALL people will be blessed through him

    Matthew 5:13-16 - we are the Light of the world

    Easter Week Schedule at Neighborhood Church website

    Pastor Mike's Blog - Not Fearful but Fearless

    Isaiah 43:18 - Remembering not the old things

    Article about Biblical Damascus

    Artical about Sir Nicholas Winton

  • Revive Podcast Episode 151: Stepping out in Prayer

    Sunday Service Cypress Campus

    Sunday Service Los Alamitos Campus

    Pastor Mike's Blog - Easter, Beyond the Surface

    Acts 12:5, 14-16 - The Church was earnestly praying for Peter, but they were shocked when they saw him

    Charles Stanely - God never says “No,” He says "I got something better for you"

    Martin Luther - “When you ask God for something, he gives you something better"

    Mike Wilson - “Untested Faith is of no value”

    1 Thessalonians 5:17 - Pray without ceasing

    Isaiah 43:18-19 - Do not dwell on past Behold I am doing something new, do you perceive it

    Jesus came as “Suffering Servant” - Isaiah 52:13-53:12

    Janis Joplin - Mercedes Benz

    “The Spirit of the Law is important, not the letter of the Law" - 2 Corinthians 3:6

    Jesus discusses David eating during the Sabbath - Matthew 12:3-8

    Article on David eating the showbread in the Old Testament

    Jesus talks about the Holy Spirit, saying he will come but not call attention to himself - John 16:13-15

    Acts 12:24 - “the church kept growing”

  • Revive Podcast Episode 154: Stepping Out on Mission

    Sunday Service Cypress Campus

    Sunday Service Los Al

    What are the two Antioch cities all about?

    Why did Saul change his name to Paul?

    "God gives us a quest: I want you to discover my Will" - Pastor Mike

    Pastor Mike's Blog: Get Used to the Difference

    Acts 13 is our passage for today

    Matthew 22:34-40 - Love God Love Your neighbor is the basics

    What does it mean to Intentionally Listening to God- Mike

    Bar-Jesus the Magician - Acts 13:4-12

    Paul and Barnabas sail through Pamphylia - Antioch Paideia Acts 13:13

    When he “Me Monster Roars - it’s hard to hear from the Holy Spirit

    Ephesians 4:30-32 - Grieving the Spirit is when we are in sin

    1 Thessalonians 5:19 - Quenching the Spirit is we are so focused on ourself and we “take the wheel” away from God

    Acts 13:17-41 - Paul goes through Jewish history

    Acts 11:19-26 - Antioch church is geared toward listening to the Holy Spirit - Barnabas was originally sent, and invited Paul to help him

    John Mark is introduced here - Acts 13:13

    What the Holy Spirit does:

    What the Bible says about fasting:

    An article about who John-Mark is in the Bible:

    List of 351 prophecies of Messiah/Jesus in the Old Testament fulfill in

    Jesus of Nazareth:

  • Revive Podcast Episode 155: Stepping Out Despite Opposition

    Sunday Service Cypress Campus

    Sunday Service Los Alamitos Campus

    Acts 14 - In these non-Jewish cities they didn’t unpack Old Testament history like they did in their earlier missionary journeys, or like we read earlier in Acts

    Definition of Zeitgeist

    Definition of Gestalt

    Ovid’s Metamorphosis is an ancient book that spoke of Zeus and Hermes walking around in human form, and we see this belief manifested in the city of Lystra in Acts 14


    The location of the Outlets at Orange in Southern California

    Four Spiritual Laws tract website

    Music Video - Goodness of God

    Acts 13:52 - filled with joy and HS after persecution

    Dorothy Sayers quote - "...the very first demand of religion is to make good tables..."

    “Count it all joy when you are persecuted” - James 1:2-4

    Eugene Peterson - Simulated suffering

  • Acts 15 - Jerusalem Council - Centerpiece of Acts

    Acts 10 -Peter and Cornelius

    Acts 13 through 14, Paul and Barnabas' first mission journey

    Circumcision - why was that important for Jews, and an issue for gentile converts?

    Torah is about God’s Law, and circumcision was a part of that Covenant God made with Abraham

    Ethiopian Eunuch - Acts 8:26-40

    The Chosen Video Series

       / @thechosenseries  

    The Surprising Rebirth in Belief in God - Podcast

       • Podcast - The Surprising Rebirth Of B...  

    Acts 15:22-29 - The Jerusalem Council's Prohibitions for Gentile Believers

    Mike’s Blog - Sacrifice is Powerful

    Unity is key in this passage and our faith

    Deuteronomy 4:2 - do not add to the Gospel

    Tim Keller - "God sees us as we are, loves us as we are, and accepts us as we are. But by His grace, He does not leave us where we are."

  • Acts 1:8 - the Outline of Acts

    Acts 9 - Saul converts and renamed Paul

    Acts 7 - Stephen executed

    Antioch was a new church plant and had lots of non-jews coming to faith - link Map

    Article Links from Study - Barnabas, John Mark, Timothy, Silas

    Acts 15:39 - a Sharp disagreement

    Bible Passage - God thwarts the plans of Paul to minister in Asia

    God’s Providential care

    Acts 16:6-7 - The Spirit did not allow them

    John 16:33 - in this world you will experience tribulations

    proverbs 16:9 - the heart of man plans his way but Lord establishes steps

    Agean Sea - where is that?

    Trust in God - even if God thwarts one path, he will fulfill in another way. Lydia was a person they met, who may have given an establishment in Asia

    Their perspective of Life - They trusted God over their circumstances

    Our trust needs to be on God alone.

  • Revive Podcast Episode 158

    Sunday Service Cypress Campus

    Sunday Service Los Alamitos Campus

    Paul, Silas, and Luke and Timothy go through Modern Day Turkey and into Greece

    Acts 16:6-15 - Spirit prevented Paul and his team from going further into Asia, but instead, they meet woman, Lydia, from Asia, so God brings Asia to them

    Acts 16:18 - Paul was annoyed, cast out Demon, because he wants Faith Alone! 

    Mark 5:1-13 - Gospel passage about the Legion demons

    Acts 19:11-20 - Article on the story of guys trying to cast out demons but they got beaten up  

    Website on how epoxy works

    Article on the privileges of being a Roman Citizen

    Psalm 19 - look at the stars of the universe

    Pause App - link

    1 These 5:17 - pray without ceasing

    Article on General Revelation vs. Special Revelation

    Psalm 139:1-6 - God is unsearchable

    S.O.A.P. prayer and relfection method

    Matthew 7:7-12 - Jesus said, "seek, knock and ask"

  • Revive Podcast Episode 159: God is... Mother's Day

    Sunday Service Cypress Campus

    Sunday Service Los Alamitos Campus

    Pastor Mikę Blog - The Mom Factor

    Article on the “Post-Exilic Return to Jerusalem"

    Article on Who were the Babylonians

    Article on Who were the Persians?

    Bible Project videos YouTube page

    Psalm 147:10-11 - His delight is not in your strength, but in those who fear God

    Prayer Book - The Devine Hour - Phyllis Tickle

    Stwitchfoot Song - “Meant to Live” 

    Switchfoot Song - “I won’t Let You Go”

    John 15:4-5 - Abide in me (apart from me you can do nothing)

    Genesis 1-2 - we are working together with the Lord

    book - The Story of the Old Testament by David Talley

    book - The Spirituality of the Psalms by Walter Brugerman

  • Revive Podcast Episode 160: Stepping Out in New Territory

    Sunday Service Cypress Campus

    Sunday Service Los Al Campus

    First Baptist Church of Los Alamitos Service

    Pastor Mike Blog - Better Together Like Ants?!

    Book by Lee Strobel - Case For Christ

    Book by Lee Strobel - Case For Faith

    Sean McDowell Podcast on YouTube

    Provisioning - The process of setting up and delivering resources and functionality to individuals or systems

    Contextualization - definition in terms of the Bible and evangelism

    Syncretism - definition in relation to religion

    Athens Map - Mars Hill (Areopagus) - Map

    Colossians 1:15-19 - all of these things are subordinate to Christ

    C.S. Lewis - Intellectual who became a Christian - Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe

    Book - Peace Child - Don and Carol Richardson

    Redemptive Analogy - What is the culture thing in a people group that we can find to make Gospel connections?

  • Revive Podcast Episode 161: Stepping Out Better Together

    Sunday Service Cypress

    Sunday Service Los Alamitos

    Pastor Mike's Blog - Better Together Like Ants?!

    Missionary Journeys Maps

    1st journey Map  

    2nd journey Map

    3rd journey Map

    1 Corinthians 2:3 - I come to you in fear and trembling

    Who were Priscilla and Aquila? - Got Questions Article

    Who was Apollos - Got Questions Article

    1 Corinthians 3:18-23 - “I’m of Paul, I am of Apollos”

    Acts 18:9-10 - God comes to Paul in a Vision - I am with you and no one will harm you

    Matthew 28:16-20 - Great Commission

    Acts 18:17 - The jewish folks beat Sosthenes as an alternative to Paul

    1 Corinthians 1:1 - Is that the same Sosthenes as in Acts 18:17?

    Gallio - was probably the younger brother of the Philosopher Seneca - Judge in Corinth

    Acts 18 emphasizes importance of being in fellowship for strength

    Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 - Two are better than one three chords cannot be broke

    Proverbs 27:17 - Iron sharpens Iron

  • Revive Podcast Episode 162: Stepping Out Empowered and Passioante

    Pastor Mike Blog Post - Live Bold!

    Sunday Service Cypress

    Sunday Service Los Alamitos

    Missionary Journeys Maps

    1st journey

    2nd journey

    3rd journey 

    Acts 19:8-9 - Paul goes to synagogue but then went to gentiles

    Acts 19:10 - all residents of Asia heard the Gospel

    Acts 20 - Miracle of kid falling our window and healing kid “they were not a little comforted” 

    Who were 7 Sons of Sceva Acts 19:11

    Acts 19:15 - 17 - It's not about "invoking" Jesus' name, it's about a real relationship with him, and that made people in the area more in awe of Jesus

    Acts 5:1-11 - Annaneaus & Sapphire - the died because God deserves the glory

    End of Acts 20 - Paul says it’s all about Jesus, not about us

    “Jesus is worth it” - Paul says it’s worth it to know the surpassing glory of Christ - Philippians 3:7-9

    Acts 20:24 - “to testify to the Gospel of Jesus Christ” - Paul is willing to put himself at risk

    Romans 8:14 - Be mission by listening to the Holy Spirit

    Acts 20 - Paul resolved in the Spirit to follow his direction

    Acts 1:8 - Spirit will come and lead you to share the Gospel

    Ephesians 5:18 - Be filler with the Holy Spirit

    1 Corinthians 3:16 - spirit dwells within

    Bible verse - 1 Thess 5:19 - don’t quench Holy Spirit

    Ephesians 4:30-32 - don’t grieve the Spirit

    Acts 19:30-31 - listen to Godly council, just like when people told Paul to stay away from theater there and he listened   

Easter 2024

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Past sermon series this year

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STEPS: Following Where Jesus Leads

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  • Revive Podcast Episode 129: Spirit-filled Like Jesus

    Sunday Service Neighborhood Church Cypress

    Sunday Service Neighborhood Church Los Al

    Pastor Mike's Blog, "Learning is a Choice"

    Pastor Mike's Doctrinal Description of Pneumatology

    Prayer Guide for October 2023

    Article about who Luke was, the author of the Gospel of Luke

    Article about who Theophilus was, mentioned in Luke and Acts

    1 Peter 2:21 - What does it mean to follow in Jesus’ step? Our goal is to be fully functioning followers of Jesus Christ.

    1 Corinthians 10:5 - cast down arguments, bringing thoughts captive

    Miracles of Jesus were done by the power of the Spirit (Luke 3:21-22; 4:1-2)

    Focus on The Word - Hold thoughts captive

    John 18:1-14 - In the guards come to arrest Jesus and he said "I am he"

    Luke 4:18-19 - Jesus quotes Isaiah 61

    Acts 2:1-4 - Pentecost, where we see the Holy Spirit come upon people

    Book by Chuck Smith - Charisma Vs. Charismania

  • Revive Podcast Episode 130: On Mission Like Jesus

    Sunday Service at Neighborhood Church of Cypress


    Sunday Service at Neighborhood Church of Los Alamitos


    2 Corinthians 10:5 - We take captive every thoughts

    Isaiah 55:8-9 - God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, his ways are not our ways

    Luke 4:42-44 - I must preach to other cities as well - Jesus was always mission focused

    Luke 4:42- the next day early Jesus went to pray

    Sea of Galilee Map link

    Genesis 1:1 - 3:24 - Lastly God creates mankind - verse kills animals, covers nakedness

    John 6:60-71 - people leave and Jesus asks disciples “Will you leave too?”

    Matthew 16:24-25 - take up your cross and follow me

    Matthew 19:27 - behold we’ve left everything - Jesus says you will sit with me - vs 29-30, Jesus says EVERYONE who follows will also receive and live forever

    In Acts 2, when they receive the Holy Spirit, the Disciples were never the same

    Discipleship - we learn to be gracious and merciful with everyone. We are called to be discipled and to disciple others.

    Blue Letter Bible - meaning of Disciple, one who longs to know God

  • Revive Podcast Episode 131: Wise Like Jesus

    Neighborhood Church Service Cypress

    Neighborhood Church Service Los Al

    Take the Log out of your own eye, before taking the speck out of your brother's eye - Luke 6:39-42

    Sermon on the Mount animated video breakdown

    Romans 10:15 - How beautiful are the feet of those who share the good news! - "We can’t share the good news without being the good news"

    Image - The Sermon on the Mount, New Testament, by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld, 1860

    Luke 7:11-17 - widow coming in funeral procession but Jesus stops and raises son up

    Matthew 5-7 Sermon on the mount extended version

    Dallas Willard quote - Do you believe that Jesus is the most brilliant being that ever lived?

    Luke 7:36-50 - women wipes Jesus feet with hair

    The Chosen - video series - great for discussion starting - helps to pause for a second and reconnect with God just like how Jesus took regular moments to oases from ministry (waking up early, going to desolate places) 

  • Revive Podcast Episode 132: Inclusive Like Jesus

    Neighborhood Church Cypress Sunday Service

    Neighborhood Church Los Alamitos Sunday Service

    Pastor Mike’s Blog - Let’s Be More Welcoming

    Garesean Demoniac Man - Who was this person?

    Missional Video Link -  A Conversation at the Barber Shop

    Matthew 5:16 - be a light of good works in our community

    Pastor Jon Wyatt writes our weekly Life Group study guides. Find them on the Sunday Resources Page our website.

    Our passage from Sunday’s message - Luke 8:26-56

    1 Pater 3:15 - Be ready to give a defense of your faith

    John 6:66 - Many people stopped following Jesus during his ministry due to challenging teachings

    “Jesus loves you just as you are, but not enough to just leave you there” - quote by pastor Justin

    1 Corinthians 6:11 - But God sanctified you

  • Revive Podcast Episode 133: Compassionate Like Jesus

    Neighborhood Church Cypress Service

    Neighborhood Church Los Al Service

    Article on Biblical Mercy

    Article about Compassion

    “Compassion Fatigue” - Pastor Justin quote

    Pastor Mike Blog - There is Power in Compassion

  • The Revive Podcast Episode 134: Challenging Like Jesus

    Neighborhood Church Cypress Sunday Service

    Neighborhood Church Los Alamitos Sunday Service

    Life Beyond Life - book by Bob Vroon

    Pastor Mike Blog - Look Out!

    November Monthly Prayer Guide


    STEPS Sermon Series Online Study Guide Link



    Luke 14:28-29 - “counting the cost”


    Bob quote - There’s no virtue in being miserable

    Bob quote - As Christians we are set free from the latest fads.

    Hebrews 12:2 - Jesus for Joy set before him, endured the cross


    Matthew 13:45-46 - pearl of great price

  • Revive Podcast Episode 135

    Sunday Service Neighborhood Church Cypress

    Sunday Service Neighborhood Church Los Alamitos

    A Lighthouse of Living Faith - Youtube

    Monthly Prayer Guide for November 2023

    Pastor Mike Blog - Look Out!

    Charles Dickens - “Prodigal son is greatest short story ever written”

    John 17:6-26 - Jesus prayer for “disciples, followers”

    Luke 2:42-50 - Jesus at twelve years old is in his "Father's House."

    John 2:1-11 - Jesus turned water into wine

    Revelation 1:13 - Jesus wearing a robe “to the foot”

    Ephesians 2:8-9 - Saved by grace through faith

    Deuteronomy 21:18-21 - law for dishonoring father is stoning - father should have punished prodigal

    Romans 6:23 - Salvation is a free gift of God

    Welcome to the Family Class at Neighborhood Church

Climb: The Psalms of Ascent (120-136)

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Walking In The Light: The Epistles of John

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Easter: It's All True

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Lamentations: Holding on for hope amidts grief and sorrow

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  • Revive Podcast Episode 105: Lamentations 1

    Sunday Service Cypress:

    Sunday Service Los Alamitos:

    Pastor Mike Blog: Be First to Volunteer

    Great video on what it means that God is slow to anger

    Great video overview of Lamentations

    Great article about Crying Out to the Lord

    Jewish Christian ministry - One for Jesus

    Jesus Movement movie trailer

    Jesus - Birth Pains message to Disciples - Matthew 23-24

    2 Chronicles 36:17-19 - The destruction of Jerusalme

    Fall of Northern Israel in 722bc as King Hezekiah watched - 2 Kings 14-20

    Daniel Chapter 9 - Ages to come and Messiah coming

    Luke 19:41-44 - Jesus cries over Jerusalem and prophesies temple destruction

    Psalm 1 - Blessed the one who righteous person...

    Romans 6:4 - walking in the Spirit

    1 John 1:9 - confess our sins

    Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 - there’s a time to mourn, time to dance, season of life, which one are you in

    Steve - “God is always the answer…”

  • Revive Podcast Episode 106: Lamentations 2

    Sunday Service Neighborhood Church Cypress

    Sunday Service Neighborhood Church Los Al

    Pastor Mike Blog - It's Okay to Be Sad

    Video on what it means that God is slow to anger:

    Video overview of Lamentations:

    Article about Crying Out to the Lord:

    List all Psalms of Lament

    “We should be open and honest with God” - Mike McKay

    Book by Eugene Peterson book - Smooth Stones for Pastoral Work

    Psalm 51 - David realizes the weight of his sin “against you and you alone have I sinned”

    1 John 1:9 - confess your sin, repent

    Lamentations 2:1-10 - A visceral description of how we feel when we turn our back on God

    The Meaning of the word Confessions - “Confessing is agreeing with God that ‘this is wrong"

    Philippians 2:1-5 - "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit..."

    Psalm 32: 1-7 - Encapsulates the idea of Lamenting sin and confessing/repenting

    Lamentation 2:6 - the people forgot festivals and sabbath

  • Revive Podcast Episode 107

    Cypress Sunday Service

    Los Alamitos Sunday Service

    Pastor Mike Blog - It’s Okay to have fun -

    Acts 1:8

    1 Corinthians 9:19-20 - I am servant to all - to a Jew I became a Jew, a Greek I became a Greek

    We do missions to serve

    1 Corinthians 15 - message of Jesus

    Romans Road

    Four Spiritual Laws

    Galatians 5:23

    Biola Lent Devotional -

    God’s Justice Article -

  • Revive Podcast Episode 108

    Cypress service

    Los Al service

    Lent (length of days) - Biola Lent project

    Mike McKay Blog - Be Curious is a Good Thing

    “Hope isn’t resolution” - Justin

    Podcast group Wyld Stallyons - 

    God’s Wrath is turning over people to their sin, - Mike

    Article - What does it mean that God is a God of Justice?

    Lamentations 3:22 - Steadfast Love - "hesed" love of God

    Lamentations 3:21 - I have hope

    Lamentations 3:40 - let us examine our ways

    Lamentations 3:26-26 - God is good to those who wait on him

    Psalm 46:10 - be still and know

    When you “wait” on the Lord, it is actually “trust” - Mike McKay

    Isaiah 40:31 - bear me on wings like eagles

    Proverbs 3:4-5 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

  • Revive Podcast Episode 109

    Cypress Church Service, March 26th

    Los Al Church Service, March

    Lent Bible Project Video on Lamentations

    Celebrate Recovery Ministry

    Article - What is the meaning of the Parable of the Tax Collector and the Pharisees?  

    Lamentations 3:22-24 - the heart of God is his steadfast Love

    The meaning of the Hebrew word - Hesed

    Jesus came to save the world because of God's love - John 3:16 -17

    Jesus conquers sin & death - 2 Timothy

    Do not quench the Holy Spirit - 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21

    2 Corinthians 5:16-21 - Reconciliation is God reaching out to us!

    Join us for Holy Week at Neighborhood Church

Thou Shalt Celebrate

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  • Revive Podcast Episode 98: Thou Shalt Celebrate Sabbath and Passover

    Cypress Sunday Service from January 1, 2023

    Los Alamitos Sunday Service from January 1, 2023

    Pastor Mike's Blog - Learn Something New in 2023

    Holy Convocation - sense of connection with God in these celebrations

    We are built for work, but we also need rest, that’s why God commands it to be so.

    Forest like a cathedral

    We must connection creation with God

    "The command is to rest, and you cannot enter joy until you pass through rest." – Pastor Mike McKay

    Leviticus 23

    Mike’s Article - Christ is our Sabbath rest

    When rest is not rest - what are things that restore, rejuvenate and reconnect you with God?

    Mike’s study - Where do you feel most restful?

    Cross-cultural survey says #1 thing to create rest is reading

    Pastor Mike's “New Year’s Resolution” plan: Planning, Prepare, Participate

  • Revive Podcast Episode 99: Thou Shalt Celebrate Pssover & Sabbath

    Neighborhood Church Cypress Service, Sunday, January 8th, 2023

    Neighborhood Church Los Alimitos Service, Sunday, January 8th, 2023

    Pastor Mike's Blog - Test Assumptions

    Justin’s 4-R’s
    Leviticus 23:3 - only one verse one sabbath - Rest, Replenish, Restore, Relax

    book by Kelly Kapic - You’re only human

    Bible Reading Plan with multi-year focus - Nav Press

    Options to consider when reading through the Bible in a Year

  • Revive Podcast Episode 100: The Feast of Unleavened Bread and Passover

    Neighborhood Church Cypress Service, Sunday, January 15th, 2023

    Neighborhood Church Los Alimitos Service, Sunday, January 15th, 2023

    Pastor Mike's Blog - Being Thankful Holds Back Want

    book by Robert Vroon – Life Beyond Life

    "Feast of Unleavened bread is about Sanctification"

    Definition of "Sanctification" - Renewing our whole nature

    Matthew 12:43-45 - One can’t just remove sin, you must replace it with something else

    Life’s Healing Choices - 8 weeks Tuesday nights

    Celebrate Recovery classes at Neighborhood Church of Cypress, Tuesday nights, January 24, 2023 through March 14, 2023.

  • Revive Podcast Episode 101: The Feast of the First Fruits

    Neighborhood Church Los Alimitos Service, Sunday, January 15th, 2023

    Pastor Mike's Blog - Being Thankful Holds Back Want

    Lev 23:9-14 – Festival of the First Fruits

    The Feasts that we've covered so far in our series all point to Jesus! 



    Unleavened Bread - Jesus says, "I am the bread of life." 

    #First Fruits - Paul speaks to this 1 Corinthians 15:20-23

    #Weeks (Pentecost)

    Sheaf - bound stalks of grain

    2 tenths of an Ephah = 5 lbs of flour

    1/4 of a Hin of wine = about a liter of wine

    First fruits - it is about the “first” of what we have or attain

    Giving out of the "first" of what you have is an act of faith but also recognition of God’s gifts and promises

    Giving your first fruits helps you to define your




    Matt 6:33 - Seek Fist Kingdom of God

    The principle to giving out of your "first fruits" isn't necessarily to fulfill the Law, but it's more about helping a person build character

  • Neighborhood Church Cypress Sunday Service

    Neighborhood Church Los Al Sunday Service

    Pastor Mike Blog - Together It's More Fun!

  • Revive Podcast Episode 102: Feast of Trumpets

    Neighborhood Church Cypress Sunday service

    Neighborhood Church Los Al Sunday service

    Pastor Mike Blog - Gaining Good Wisdom

    Luke 24:13-35 - road to Emus, Jesus explains how he fulfilled everything

    Article - John 8:12 – “I am the light of the World” - Did Jesus speak this phrase during Hanukkah

    Read Psalm 27 - Read as preparation for Day of Atonement

    Call to readiness - Generally see what opportunities are around you  to share about Jesus

    Article - Feast of Trumpets: How Rosh Hashana Prepares Us to Meet God

    Article - What is the Feast of Trumpets?

    Article - The Feast of Trumpets in the New Testament

    Video: The Feast of Trumpets: The Great Reminder

  • Revive Podcast Episode 103: The Day of Atonement

    Neighborhood Church Cypress Sunday Service, Feb 12th

    Neighborhood Church Los Al Sunday Service, Feb 12th

    Pastor Mike's Blog - There is Good in Grief

    The Day of Atonement was the holiest, and heaviest festival for the Old Testament. 

    The Day of Atonement prescription is found in Leviticus 23:26-32 and in Leviticus 16.

    Leviticus 17:11 - "...It is blood that makes atonement for one's life..."

    Hebrews 9:22 - The shedding of blood is necessary for forgiveness

    ’69 Jeepster Commando

    Article - the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur

    Article - the Shekinah glory of God

    Romans 6:10-11 - Christ is the once and for all sacrifice  

    Hebrews 4:15-16 - we have a high priest who has been tempted like us but has done the work

    Hebrews 10:19-22 - We draw ever closer because of what Christ has done

    Read Psalm 27 this week as a reminder of God being our salvation!

  • Revive Podcast Episode 104: The Feast of Booths

    Sunday Service Cypress 2/19/23

    Sunday Service Los Al 2/19/23

    All festivals are a shadow of the Lord Jesus Christ - Festival Calendar!

    Zechariah 14:16-21 - feast of Booths in reference of the day of the Lord

    Three applications from the Pastor Sam's sermon: Remembering, Rejoicing, Recalling

    Jesus says there will be hardships in this life - John 16:33

    Believers are called to share joys and griefs - Galatians 6:2 and Romans 12:9-16

    2 Corinthians 4:16-18 - Paul says do not loose heart man is being renewed

    2 Corinthians 11:21-29 - Paul lists his hardships while on earth

    Peter says these afflictions are light and momentary - 1 Peter 5:10

    Pastor Sam - Once we come into faith, that’s when our Sanctification begins… one of the parts of sanctification is suffering. 

    2 Corinthians 11:1-11 - Pail is suffering for the people the churches

    Luke 21:1-4 - woman who gave two coins was everything

    God calls us to Rejoice - Leviticus 23:33-44 - Do we really rejoice in the Lord? 

    1 Peter 1:3 - There is no permanent death for anybody - Believers have a hope for resurrection

    Psalm 1 - we are called to delight in the Lord and meditate - this will give us Joy

    We must spend time with fellow believers, we must read scripture, then you will find joy. Rejoice in the Lord always!  - Philippians 4:4-7

    Pastor Sam - "Don’t be isolated - don’t fight alone!"

    Romans 8:8 - all things work together

    Philippians 1:6 - he who has begun good work will complete

    Philippians 2:13 - God works in you for his Good Purpose

Wait, it's Christmas!

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  • Revive Podcast Episode 94: Wait, God is at work

    Patience - “trustful waiting, trustworthy waiting”

    Galatians 5 - fruit of Spirit

    “waiting doesn’t mean being passive”

    Galatians - In the Fulness of time, God came

    Mike’s Blog Post - Wait, It's A God Thing?

    “It’s the Most Wonderful time of the Year” - song

    Isaiah 9:6 - unto us a child is born

    Titles of God

    Pondering the names of God

    Be willing to spend time

    The importance of Community

    Jeremiah 31:15 - prophesy

    Home Alone 1 church scene

    Matthew 6:33 - seek first the Kingdom of God, then everything falls into place

  • Revive Podcast Episode 95: Wait Constructs Perseverance

    Pastor Mike's Blog - Something Amazing In The Wait

    The meaning of Immanuel

    The implications of what Saint Augustine meant by “oh blessed vice.”

    Book by Henry Nguyễn - With Open Hands

         - “Can my hope in God go deeper and stronger even when my wishes go unfulfilled?”

  • Revive Podcast Episode 95: Wait Constructs Perseverance

    Pastor Mike's Blog - Something Amazing In The Wait

    The meaning of Immanuel

    The implications of what Saint Augustine meant by “oh blessed vice.”

    Book by Henry Nguyễn - With Open Hands

         - “Can my hope in God go deeper and stronger even when my wishes go unfulfilled?”

  • Revive Podcast Episode 96: Christmas Song Showcase

    Pastor Mike's Blog - The Fun in Giving Gifts

    O come o come Emmanuel - For King & Country

    Amy Grant first Christmas Album

    Amy Grant - Breath of Heaven

    Michael W Smith - Chrsitmas Time 2nd song on Album - Jingle Bells

    Chipmunks Christmas album

    Casting Crowns - Christmas Offering

    O Holy Night - Josh Groban

    Mariah Carry - All I want for Christmas

    Rocking Around the Christmas Tree

    Paul McCartney - Christmas song

    Disney Christmas Album

    Alabama Christmas Album - 

    Charlie Brown Christmas

    Reliant K - Christmas Let is reign deer

    Frank Sinatra - White Christmas

  • Revive Podcast Episode 97: The Wise Men and a New Year

    How many kings were there?

    These were “King Makers”

    OT Examples are Daniel, Shadrach, Meshack, Abendigo

    Herod Contrasted with Wisemen - Herod anxious worried, Wisemen following signs

    Wait is not passive, it’s active

    Knowledge is not wisdom , Wisdom is applied

    Where did the Jerusalem star come from?

    Quote about scientists meeting theologians halfway up the mountain of knowledge

    Numbers 24:17

    Balaam’s prophecies

    Aladin’s entourage scene “prince Ali”

    Matthew 2:11 - Fell on their faces - “Oh Holy Night”

    Considering who Christ is - Isaiah description

Planted: Cultivating our relationship with god and others

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psalms: god is bigger than you think

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  • Revive Podcast Episode 65: The Passion Week

    Book of Zechariah - Out line of Book - YouTube The Bible Project

    Pastor Mike's Blog: Easter, It's More than Chocolate

    Holy Week Series of Events:

    • Palm Sunday - Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-10, Luke 19:28-44, John 12:12-18

    • Holy Monday - Matthew 21:12-13, Mark 11:15-17, Luke 19:45-46

    • Holy Tuesday - Mark 11:27-12:44, Luke 20:1-21:4

    • Holy Wednesday - Matthew 26:3-5

    • Maundy Thursday - John 13:1-34

    • Good Friday - Matthew 26:36-46, 26:57-27:14, Matthew 27:15-26, Matthew 27:27-31, Matthew 27:32-44, Matthew 27:45-55, Matthew 27:56-66

    • Easter Sunday - Matthew 28:1-20, Mark 16:1-20, Luke 24:1-53, John 20:1-21:25

    “Hosanna blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” - taken from Psalm 118:26

    Gospel of John 13 - Last super, most intimate description of Jesus spending time ministering to his disciples before his death and resurrection.

    Book - The Case For Christ by Lee Strobel

    Film version can be found on the Pure Flix website.

    Book - Case For Resurrection by Lee Strobel

    2 Corinthians 5:17 - "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"

  • Homiletic Hangout Episode 3: Easter

    Pastor Mike’s Blog - Let's Celebrate, It's Important - Highlighting Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

    Explanation of Passover and how it fits into Jewish history, and the Exodus:

    Meaning of Maundy Thursday - Etymology comes from the Latin word for "mandate," and Jesus' mandate to "love one another" from John 13:34.

    Neighborhood Church Khmer ministry for our Cambodian community, Pastor May presiding

    Neighborhood Church IGLESIA BÍBLICA COMUNIDAD for our Spanish speaking community with pastor Gonzales presiding

    Book 5 of Psalms preview - Bible Project Video

    Philippians 4:4Hebrews 10:24-25 - encouraging each other in joy

    Psalm 145:3 - “unsearchable” means that there is no end to searching who God is and getting to know Him, learning about who God is inexhaustible

    2 Peter 1:3 - “knowledge of Him”

    Quote: “...the end of discipline is not discipline, it’s delight!” - Pastor Justin McElderry

Mark: Following Jesus together

    • Revive Podcast Episode 55 - Mark 4:21-34

    • Why does Jesus speak in parables? Read Mark 4:1-20 to get the proper context!

    • Wisdom to live by: 1 Peter 3:15

    •  "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect"

    • Connect to a Life Group at Neighborhood Church here
    • Revive Podcast Episode 56 - Mark 5:1-20
    • Pastor Mike's Blog - Don't Be So Mean

    • John Ch. 9 testimony of the blind man who Jesus heals

    • Exodus 3 where Moses is making is excuses to God

    • “Possession” speaks of “ownership” - when you ask Jesus into your heart, he Owns you now. 

    • Last Sunday's service at Neighborhood Church of Cypress

    • Pastor Mike provides on online resources explaining the possibilities of why Jesus cast the demons out into pigs

    • The book Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis - the extremes people delve into when referencing demons “two errors: either totally dismiss them, or see them everywhere.” 

    • 1 Peter - Satan is like roaring lion, using fear and intimidation, yet Jesus is greater... 

    • 1 John 4:4 - Jesus quotes scripture to battle devil… “he who is in you is greater than he…” 

    • Replacing lies with Truth! - 1 Pete 5:1-11 “Battle for believing the truth” 

    • Resources on Neil Anderson's website - "Battle in your mind" 
    • Revive Podcast Episode 57 - Mark 6:7-13

    • Pastor Mike's Blog - Defining Moments

    • Link to Moody Bible College -

    • Link to The Master’s Seminary -

    • Mark 3:14-15 - Jesus says “Be with me… then I’ll send you out” 

    • GK Chesterton “anything worth doing is worth doing badly” 

    • Good training aspect for missions: - Where is the local church going? Talk to church leaders.” 

    • Orange county rescue mission: link to homepage -

    • Read Biographies of various Missions - online or films  

    • William Kerry helped end the System of Sati - husband who dies, the live wife is cremated, too

    • Let the Nations Be Glad - John Piper

    • Talk to Neighborhood Church Missionaries when they are in town - Missions Week March 6th

    • Tony Rodriguez - India Mission
    • Revive Podcast Episode 58 - Growing in our Belief in Jesus - Mark 8:1-21

    • Pastor Mike's Blog - Let Love Happen

    • Mark 8: 19-20

    • Feeding of the 4,000 and the 5.000 - Jesus talks about the two instances separately

    • Mark 6:5

    • Jesus in his home town, 

    • Isaiah 35:5-6 Poem about Messiah (Jesus later quotes this=) 

    • If we believe Does our life show that believe? 

    • Hebrews 11:1 “Faith is…” “impossible to please God without faith …” 

    • Stories of Missionaries “Hudson Taylor” - Missionary to China

    • Biographies of other missionaries: William Kerry Albert Schwitzer

    • To build your faith - Learn more about who Jesus is? Read the gospels. 

    • Practicing stepping out in faith - is it a mission opportunity? Cuba, Greece

    • Our faith should always be based on the PERSON of JESUS, not based on a Miracle Confidence and trust in Jesus, while still processing emotions

    • Proverbs 3:5-6
    • Revive Podcast Episode 59 - Who do you say He is? - Mark 8:22-9:13

    • Pastor Mike's Blog - Engaging the Superpower of Empathy

    • Severe Mercy - book by CS Lewis

    • Join a Life Group and “lean into community.” 

    • Question to ask yourself: What is your most recent expectation that you want Jesus to address, but he hasn’t yet. Talk it out with God, pray regularly, let him know. 

    • It is important to attend a church that actively reads the Bible, and invites you to do so.

    •  Praying the Bible - book Donald Whitney

    • The Good and Beautiful God - book by James Bryan Smith  

    • iPhone App - Five Psalms - companion to book Praying the Bible
  • Revive Episode 60: Who Is The Greatest? - Mark 9:30-37

    Pastor Mike's Blog - The Power of Recognition

    Serving Opportunities at Neighborhood Church

    To keep a proper perspective, meditate on Matt 6:33

    Help at Trunk & Tweet at Cypress Church, the afternoon of Sunday April 10th

  • Homiletic Hangout Episode 1: What's your experience with Mission Trips?

    Pastor Mike's Blog - Seeking Peace in Christ

    For more information about missions at Neighborhood Church contact Lance Peterson at

    Serving Opportunities at Neighborhood Church

    Help at Trunk & Tweet at Cypress Church, the afternoon of Sunday April 10th

  • Revive Podcast 61: Missions at Neighborhood Church

    Pastor Mike's Blog - Responsibility is a Good Thing

    To contact Lance Peterson regarding mission opportunities at Neighborhood Church you can email him at

    Watch our March 6th church service to hear directly from our missionaries, specifically the Williams and Shook family who appeared in person

    Youthworld is a short term missions organization that Neighborhood Church associated missionaries, The Williams family, have worked with in Ecuador.

    The Shook family have worked with Mongolia, North Korea

    now heart for Refugees coming into Europe, partnering with Calvary Church of Santa Ana.

    Jesus calls his follows to some sort of mission, as explained in the Great Commission - Matt. 28:16-20

    Upcoming Neighborhood church missions opportunities:

    Cypress, Greece - fact finding


    Ecuador - 2023

    India - 2023?

    Mission trips most everywhere require an application, a valid passport, and vaccine shots.

    Faith Promise is a way to donate to Neighborhood Church that goes to support missions and missionaries, and short term trips with our church. 

  • Revive Podcast 62: Render Unto Caesar

    For more conversations about finances, we refer you to Dave Ramsey's website:

  • Revive Podcast Episode 63: The Basics of Following Jesus

    Pastor Mike's Blog - The Beauty of Brokenness

    How do we define or understand love? Pastor Justin points us to 1 John 3:16-20 and 1 John 4:19-20. Be clear on what a Biblical Love is. Its purpose is not permissiveness, but must be rooted in the Word. Be guided by what the Bible says

    Book - Kingdom Race Theology - by Tony Evans

    For service and Missions opportunities contact Pastor Justin at

  • Revive Podcast Episode 64: The Value of Worship

    Pastor Mike's Blog - Let's Make Harmony Happen

    Coming Soon: Bob Vroon's book - Life beyond Life: Scriptures and Meditations About the Afterlife

    Good reminder in finding peace in life: “Life is Hard but God is Good," and "every sermon, at its core is about what God has done for us."

    Hebrews 4:14-16 - Jesus is our sympathetic high priest

    Support Ukraine through the EFCA